Sunday, October 26, 2008

I've stepped it up fans...

(UPDATED - Mainly for clarity purposes, I was slightly drunk at the time and some of this stuff doesn't make sense, but it was all going through my head I promise you...)

I'm officially bloggin from a f'ing bar, am I a model of determination or what?

After listening to the AM Radio stations over the past week or so I was struck with a homework assignment that I believe everyone can get a kick out of. We all hate Joe Buck, it's like a disease that Fox has injected into all of America's veins and I got a double dose. A caller came on the show and was complaining about how he hates Joe Buck and the announcer kind of ripped him to shreds because he had no evidence of what Buck said to piss him off. So, as a homework assignment I wrote down everything he said that pissed me off during the ya go:

1st inning...
- "pena hitless in the world series" (wow, can we try to break a streak)
- "the ever so dangerous evan longoria"
- "and that's a pitch longoria usually crushes"
- an incredibly lame reference to desperate housewives
- "rollins...hitless in this series" (and he just got a hit, take that Joe Buck)
+ "rollins is the best base stealer in the game"
- "philadelphia has left eleven on in each of the first two games... "
+ "superb base running by rollins and werth" ( by other announcer)
+ "garza is not comfortable"
- "utley behind in count" (when he's not...he was up 2-1)
- show shitty stat about howard...
- "how much do you want to test ryan howard who has only three rbi's in the post season"
- "more trouble for ryan howard"

2nd inning

- "7 for 7 crawford stealing third"

4th inning

- evan "don't call me eva" longoria
- let's tote matt ryan in front of philadelphia fans...fuck fox

5th inning

+ Made note of philly knockin bombs out of the park...
- during this game a three minute, dude on dude dance session broke out at field house. Not cool
- Made a reference to Jamie moyers "incredible move to first base" which could possibly be the worst in the majors
- not about joe buck, but Jamie Moyer sticking his tongue out might be one of the highlights of the series...'s a hectic time here in philly

Go Phils, let's collectively stop depression in philly

P.s. I love joe buck talking shit on the carl crawford call at first

After writing all of this, I don't think Joe Buck is really that biased, he just says what is going on. I still hate him though, he seems like a prick.

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