Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Closing in on 1,000, What the F is Wrong With You People?

For some reason this website has received some sort of dedication from the outside world. I don't know why, but the visits are most appreciated and I'd like to show my gratification by giving back to my loyal community.

During the next Phillies game I will be diligently digging through boxes of Cracker Jacks to find tokens of my appreciation for you, my reader.

If you'd like one of these amazing prizes, please leave your address in the comments section and send $300 for shipping and handling to 226 Ripka Street in Philadelphia, PA 19127 and allow eight weeks for delivery. It will be worth it...

That being said, I think that if 1,000 people subdue themselves my shit-inducing writing, you guys should at least have a logo, preferrably with three nipples, at the top of your page every time you come here. Therefore, I'll be working on a logo via photo-shop for the next couple of days...feel free to pass along ideas, I know half of you have some f***ed up senses of humor like me so let's hear it...

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