Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Cut me a freaking break...

Hey everyone, I wanted to send out a big fat apology for not writing anything on the past week of football, sarah palin being a moron or just something pointless in general. I'm currently out in Seattle with my job for a pretty big week long meeting. Currently we are cruising around the San Juan Islands looking for whales...and I'm writing this from my Blackberry. So if you would be so kind, cut me some slack and I'll be back this weekend.

To those still visiting, thanks. You will have new posts soon.

Hugs and kisses,

Your only author


Anonymous said...

Not to worry, the 3rdnip faithful will never stop checking out your posts. Which by the way are amazing haha, even if they are slightly skewed and mostly pointless. But I love 'em

Anonymous said...

I could not agree more. I gain no education from your blog and often leave thinking I am less intelligent than when I arrive on the site but I just can't help reading it... I should just wink all the time and give shout outs to third graders in business meetings.