Thursday, July 17, 2008

Good Times in the Chi...

A couple of pics of Wrigley in case you haven't seen it...

A cub sighting at some bar right by Dave and Jim's place....had to take a pic

Some uncanny pics of the best...

Two on, two outs. Lincecum vs. Aramis Ramirez. Strikeout. Lincecum is going to be a perennial all-star, you heard it here first.

Only Tina and I understand the jap we saw...incredibly large...
Tina quote of the weekend:
Tina: You don't like mustard on your hot dogs?
Me: No, mustard ruins things
Tina: So does sex but we still all do it

Overall I give Chicago in the summertime a 9 out of ten. I don't think it can be topped by any other city, other than L.A. in the U.S. If you haven't visited, it is a definite must, find some friends and plan it now. Picture this: 75 degrees, no humidity, partly cloudy, beaches, baseball, parks, great food ("Tango Sur" on Southport is a personal favorite of mine), bars and a generally attractive population before you have a beer. Imagine the possibilities.

Thanks for everyone who hung out this weekend, I truly appreciate the hospitality and it was great seeing you. Know there is always a place to stay in Philly should you want to visit. Well at least until I move out there, in which case you are shit out of luck.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Holy feces....

...It's been a long time since I wrote on this thing. Everyone who is reading this, which is probably no one now, can attribute this to the one and only Jim Cook who I recently visited in Chicago.

A) Props to him for actually reading it and B) thanks for an awesome weekend man. I think his, until recently, unearthed loyalty to this piece has sparked a dim lit fire under my ace. It's either that or the five drinks I've had tonight.

So...without further ado, (is that a word? how do you spell it? I'm way too lazy to look it up...) some recent thoughts of mine.

FYI some thoughts on said city to the left will come with time, this has quickly become a "what's going on with Greg's life blog."
Re sports:

Brett Favre - "Screw you dude"

Screw you dude, you were once the quintessential "franchise" quarterback for all to dream of emulating, now what are you? You're an idiot. You are an self-described "victim of retiring too early." I once put you in the same boat as the following words:

- gutsy
- ballsy
- talented
- annoying to hear about

I now associate you with:

- back-stabbing
- heart-less
- talented
- annoying to hear about

I'm sorry Milwaukee, no one gives a flying crap about your problems. Stop taking up my valuable (read in-valuable) time reading sports stuff with your family problems.



Josh Hamilton - "Hate to say it but...."

Hate to say it but, I wish I would have been writing this blog more consistently so I could have said "I told you so."

I'm hoping everyone knows about this story, if not here is the link:

The show he put on this week at the home run derby was nothing short of spectacular. My god, if you haven't seen this or read about it do so now. The guy hit 11 HR's on 13 pitches. HAYSOOS CHRISTO. He also brought his high school coach in who is 71 years old to pitch to him...

I'm telling you right now, this kid could potentially make the hall of fame, he is that good. If you don't understand what I'm saying, I am basically saying that an average hall of famer's career starts at around 24. Josh just started playing this year (27 years old), and he will make up three years of stats in the next ten. That is of course if he stays healthy...which is always the main clause in those statements.

So, nice seeing you privaleged few who are reading this, I look forward to someone other than Jim reading this...

by the way a good way to show that is to comment on a kind of keeps me going.

