Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Production up 46%

What in god's name happened to these commercials? They were THE BEST commercials I have ever seen. I think we all need more Terry Tate in our life and I've already wrote a personal message to Reebok complaining about the lack of it in mine.

Here's a little taste:

What is the best Terry Tate line? Favorite from that: "Well, he in for a surprise, A RUDE PAINFUL SURPRISE"

I know what your thinking, HELL YES I'm putting all of these up on here...I'm an equal opportunity hittin machine baby! That didn't make any sense but whatever...


I love when Cate and Tate are barking at each other in the break room and there are two terrified guys in between them...classic.

I hope that someone has a banner that says "Bon Boyage Bitch!" when I retire

After that guy wins Solitaire and Terry DRILLS HIM, I got to thinking...being a stunt double for all of these commercials 1) would be the worst job in the world 2) might be the reason they stopped filming these commercials. I seriously would not be surprised if they couldn't get anyone to take the hits anymore.

I've never even seen this one...Pro Bowl special BABY

You can't walk away from a K22 paper jam baby WOOOOO

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