Thursday, September 18, 2008

Problems in Stinko-Land

Ocho-Cinco has a big mouth, we all know that. But he is usually blaming the coaching staff, not his own team.

Late last night put up an article ( ) about the Bengals.

It's the basic "Hey what the hell is going on," trench-digging questioning that all reporters do. Well Chad bit, and might have caused a little awkward situation in the locker room.

"Before you name the receivers, before you even name the quarterback, it all starts with that offensive line," Johnson said. "It don't start with us at all. I think it starts with the offensive line. It's going to have a trickle effect. When they're playing well, Carson's going to play well, and it means us on the outside, we're going to play well. Because if it doesn't start with them, the rest of us really don't matter."


He went on to say "I saw that Dallas game, that was sick. The talent [here] is equal. The big difference is Romo and McNabb will get sacked occasionally and yeah they get pressure, but they're sitting back their smoking a cigar."

Does Chad even know what he's doing when he says stuff like this? I guarantee you that Ocho-Stinko has gotten some pretty harsh words from the line this morning and I don't see this team handling it well.

Good luck getting out of the gutter Cinci, a win against the world champs would help. I don't think it is going to end up well.

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