Wednesday, November 5, 2008

America, FUCK YEAH!!!

America, we have elected a new leader...We are on the verge of a new country, a new direction. The election has been over since 10:30 and I'm inspired by the direction our country is now taking.

While I'm on this lame speech, let me congratulate the young population for being THE difference in this election. Georgia and Idaho were the ONLY two states to show an advantage to McCain for voters 18-24. 66% of Americans under 30 voted for Obama (it's split 50-50 from 30-65 and 65+ voted 53% in favor of McCain)

That being said, check out this website. ( ) They are spot on. It's unbelievable how accurate they were. They basically looped all of the exit polls together, ran their model 10,000 times and predicted the outcome of the election...check it out, be impressed.

This is what they predicted....

This is what happened....

Did anyone else get goosebumps more than twice during that speech?

Line of the speech: "It (the campaign) grew strength from the young people who rejected the myth of their generation's apathy. Who left their homes and their families, for jobs that offered little pay and less sleep. It drew strength from the not so young people; who braved the bitter cold and the scorching heat to knock on doors of perfect strangers. (It grew) From the millions of Americans that volunteered and organized and proved that more than two centuries later, a government of the people, by the people and for the people has not perished from the earth. This is your victory.

You all realize, it's a huge possibility we will be watching this video in 30 years with our kids talking about what a monumental change this election created...Amazing


I read a great article written by my friend RevHaloFan that I thought should be shared with you all. I don't like playing the race card on this election, but Rev does a great job putting this historical election in perspective. ( )

Are you all still going to rock your Obama stuff after he takes office? I think I'm going to switch to all of the "Viva Bush" shirts I have laying in the back of my closet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"We are not Red and Blue states, we are, and always wil be THE United States of America."
