Friday, February 29, 2008

Watch the Video Below This One....

...if you want to see a man who's passionate about offensive rebounding and women's basketball. If you have that, oh so awesome, Y this video:

(Hit the Wide screen button on bottom right to get rid of the sidebar)

Tell me you aren't going to see that movie now? Let's see what we knocked off the checklist here: robots fighting, explosions, big guns, missiles, sweet cars and one hell of a soundtrack. I think we are a pair of big boobs away from a man rating of ten.

Women's Basketball....

...has got to be worried that their press conferences are becoming more entertaining than their actual games.

Ken Borserth goes nuts in the first ten seconds of this video...I mean NUTS. If this was Men's basketball he would probably have to issue an apology, but it isn't, so don't expect anything. He also says totally maybe 800 times.

Don't worry, you're normal if you watched the beginning of that four times.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Everybody Loves Raymond...

...Is the worst show on TV. That has no relavence to this post, I just thought I would state that. OK, since I seem to be running out of things that get me fired up in sports, I'm thinking I'm going to start incorporating a lot more music into this blog, so be prepared to be dazzled by groups that not a lot of people know about. If you like it, great. If you don't like it, tough shit.

I figured whenever I find out about a band, I can write a little bit about them, give you a little taste of what they sound like and hope that you listen to them while you're driving to work in the morning. OK, here we go...

Artists you currently need to listen to:

1) Pilot Speed - First thing you need to know is that they are Canadian. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know exactly what you're saying; I hate the guys up north just as much as the next person. Shoving their high percentage beer in our face like it's the coolest thing since sliced bread...or inventing the game of hockey...or speaking their stupid frenchie language, we get it Canada, you're awesome. (Appologies to Canadiens reading this blog. Just Kidding.) The one thing I really enjoy about the land of the Canuck is Pilot Speed.

I randomly ran into this band on itunes and was immediately VERY impressed with their sound. They remind me a ton of U2, with a little bit of a deeper sound...whatever that means. Just give them a listen and let me know what you think.

2) Gomez - This band has supposedly had a few tracks on shows on TV land, but I haven't heard of them until their song showed up on my friend Nat's myspace page. They hail from the UK, and their cd "How We Operate" is very pleasing.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Marshawn a baller

I don't know who's idea it was to give Marshawn a blog at but they deserve a ludicrous raise. If you haven't seen this, which I'm assuming most people haven't, here is the link:

His blog is basically a bunch of rants in ghetto slang which, in a matter of ten minutes, will give you a piercing headache. My favorite thing about this page is the video section on the right side of the page. Most of these videos include Lynch, his two cousins (who are blatantly obvious because of the Lynch locks), some white guy named Dewey (who I will assume is his manager or something), and some random black guy who is very assertively trying to take advantage of Lynch's stardom to land a record deal. These videos are priceless.

This is one of my favorite sports related videos without question. I'm proud to present, Marshawn Lynch starring in "Tippin His Whip"

What the F does "Hyphe" mean?

This is my favorite one, this clip has "Shawty Boy" trying to nail his first single which is apparently going to be Marshawn's theme song for his for the blatant bird flip ten seconds into this video

So this kid may not be the brightest bulb in the closet, but god damn can he run with the pill. I challenge you to think of a player that runs harder than he does, the only other player I can think of that even comes close is Marion Barber.